As a holder of $LIMO within the Limoverse ecosystem, there are multiple ways to utilize your tokens. Here are a few examples:.

14 Jul 2023, 15:21
As a holder of $LIMO within the Limoverse ecosystem, there are multiple ways to utilize your tokens. Here are a few examples: 1. HealthFi Project: By engaging in activities like walking, jogging, running, or swimming, quantified through wearables, users can earn LIMOs from the HealthFi Pool. The more you enhance your Avatar, the more LIMOs you can earn. 2. Partnerverse: LIMOs can be utilized to avail products and services from Limoverse Partner Organizations, which include practitioners and institutions worldwide. 3. ModiFi Project: Participants in the EPLIMO program can earn LIMOs from the Wealth Pool based on their commitment to modifying their lifestyle with the guidance of a Lifestyle Coach. Access to this project requires a subscription to a LIMO Club membership. 4. Gamefi: The gamification platform allows users to deploy their Avatar, invest in LIMOs to enhance their capabilities, and participate in games to earn a substantial number of LIMOs. These examples only scratch the surface of the many use cases available within the Limoverse ecosystem. For more information and additional use cases, you can visit the Limoverse website at